About COVID-19
Larouche has continued to serve its customers on a virtual basis, and has done so since the start of self-isolation. To support businesses, Larouche is launching a unique workshop about planning after COVID-19. In response to the pandemic and the forced shutdown of most companies, we have developed RECOVERY!, a tailor-made workshop combining discussion, analysis, recommendations and actions.
“Québec is on hiatus. Surely you aren’t. This was the central idea leading to the creation of a workshop to provoke reflection and planning for the future. Despite the crisis, it is essential to take a step back in order to rebound better,” says Jean-François Larouche, President of Larouche Marketing Communication.
The purpose of RECOVERY! is to prepare businesses for recovery opportunities, so that at the right time, all energies are dedicated to taking full advantage of the return to business. The discussion will focus on your brand’s uniqueness to preserve your profits, gain ground and thrive through the recovery.
More than ever, Larouche’s communicators want to leverage their experience combining business and communication to help companies emerge on top.
In order to respect the physical distancing measures, the workshop is held in a videoconference format.
To prepare your business for RECOVERY!, contact Jean-François Larouche at 418-717-1874 or at jflarouche@larouchemc.com.
Thank you for trusting in us!