Plan for post-COVID-19. Because there will be a recovery!
The COVID-19 crisis has plunged us deeply into crisis management. Your organization’s energy is totally devoted to it. But what happens after COVID-19? There will definitely be a recovery! Will you be ready to take advantage of all the stimulus opportunities? It is becoming urgent to prepare for this future as soon as possible, we hope.
Québec is on hiatus. Surely you aren’t.
Throughout this crisis, we’ve believed in the importance of taking a break. To think. To plan. We believe that this obligatory “hiatus” is also the ideal time for you to take a step back in order to rebound better. Because when it’s time to reopen, all your energy will be dedicated to take full advantage of the recovery. And you must be ready for it!
An idea. A workshop.
Let’s take advantage of this “break” to talk about your business and recovery plan. Our RECOVERY! workshop encourages you to chat with us, in co-creation mode, through the lens of the current crisis. Together we will analyze your situation BEFORE the pandemic so that we can better plan your AFTER COVID-19. Our discussion will focus on your brand’s uniqueness, which will become your most powerful vector to preserve your skills, gain ground and help you through your recovery.
Contact us to schedule your RECOVERY! workshop! In order to respect the physical distancing measures, our workshop will be held in a videoconference format.
More than ever, we believe in the intimate and essential link between business and communication. May your ability to innovate, rebound and our creativity combine in perfect synergy. To create impact. To generate growth. To capitalize on your brand. To emerge victorious.
Let’s talk about it!
To prepare yourself for RECOVERY!, contact
Jean-François Larouche at 418 717-1874 or at